Reviewed by Jon Y

Taste – 8.5/10

These bagels pack in sesame seeds, poppy seeds, dehydrated onion, and garlic for a product that lives up to the “works” moniker. They toast even at high heat without becoming dried out, stiff, flavorless, or burnt. The onion and sesame seeds come through the strongest. The bagel itself has just the right level of consistency, chewiness, and softness.I find these are best when toasted until well browned around the crust and mantle, then topped with cream cheese.

Value – 9/10

A bag of 6 bagels sells for $2.29, whereas other “premium” bagged bagels such as Finagle A Bagel cost $3.69 or more from supermarkets I go to.

Nutrition – 7.5/10

With everything short of the kitchen sink crammed into these things, they carry a fairly solid load of calories and salt. And obviously those of the low-carbohydrate persuasion will want to stay far away. However, at the end of the day, it’s just a damn bagel.

Total – 25/30